Hello again everyone! I have a lot going on this week, so the updates were more investigative and experimental than normal. I still wanted to make progress, though, so I ensured that at least something was done.
Cursed Crown Updates:
- Addressed issue #17 Replace Prototype Chests with Working Blueprint.
- I found a basic interactive chest blueprint that was included with the ACF tools I have. I created a child class off of this and did some editing to it.
- The mesh, that initially used an asset from Infinity Blade, was replaced with a more suitable mesh from the Lordenfel set. I chose to use a chest mesh that had a base and a separate lid.
- I modified the interaction routine in the blueprint so the chest lid opens when the player interacts with it. It currently just “pops” to the right rotation so it could likely use some tweaking later to make the transition smoother. I’ll probably be adding some sort of animation for the player when these sorts of interactions happen and I’ll have to sync the chest animation to that, so I didn’t want to spend too much time on crafting a solution that was going to be replaced later anyway.
- I had to experiment and investigate some to figure out how ACF was handling the chest contents. I was able to identify an additional component that was added to the chest (I was digging into the blueprint itself initially with no luck.) that handled the contents. (It’s ACFProceduralStorage if anyone else ever needs to find it.) This component handles random generation of loot, dropping of specific loot, and dropping of money +/- a variable amount.
- I found the model that I think suits Burke, another of the NPC survivors of the shipwreck! The image below looks low resolution, but it’s due to low LOD when viewed in the blueprint editor. Don’t worry, he’s much more handsome in-game!

It might not seem like much for now, but that’s all I’ve got for you. I’m making progress, and that’s satisfying enough for me. Look forward to more info as it’s made available!
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